Step 1: Log in to SquareSpace
- Sign in as an administrator to your SquareSpace website.
- Click the "Menu" button.
Step 2: Access Settings
- In the left-side ribbon, click on the "Settings" button.
Step 3: Navigate to Advanced Settings
- In the Settings menu, click "Advanced".
Step 4: Open Code Injection
- Click on the "Code Injection" option.
Step 5: Add the Script
- In the Code Injection window, paste the following script from Seers.AI.AI:
< script data- key=“XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” data-name="CookieXray" src="" type="text/javascript">
- Your unique key is highlighted in the script.
- Click the "Save" button.
Step 6: Confirm Installation
- After saving, click on "View Blog" to check that the banner appears on your website.
Step 7: Verify the Banner
- You should now see the cookie consent banner on your website.